
1690 - Molly was freed from her servitude.

1691 - Molly started a farm near Maryland.

1696 - Molly freed her slaves and married one of them named Banneky, an African Prince.

1730 - Mary (Benjamin's Mother) Married Robert, a freed slave.

1731 - November 9, 1731 Benjamin Banneker was born.

1753 - Benjamin made a wooden clock at age 22 .

1759 - July 10, Robert Banneker (Benjamin's Father) died.

1774 - Ellicotts moved to town and became Benjamin's friends.
            They encouraged him to make an almanac and study astronomy.

1775 - Benjamin's mother Molly died.

1790 - Banneker started surveying for the federal city.

1791 - L'Enfant left surveying team and took his work with him. Banneker
           managed to reconstruct it from his memory.

1791 - Goddard published Banneker's almanac of 1792.

1806 - October 9, Banneker went out for a walk in the morning and felt ill.
            He rushed home to lay on his bed and died.