Annotated Bibliography
Primary Sources
Accessed Sept 28, 2003
This site is strictly a picture of the letter from Thomas Jefferson to Banneker.
Allen, W. Will & Assisted by Murry Daniel. Banneker the Afro-American Astronomer. New York City, Books for
Libraries Press 1971
By reading this book I gathered important information that lead me to collect dates for the timeline.
(ex. 1696 Molly marries).
Benjamin Banneker. About Inc. Accessed September 20, 2003
This site contains a picture of the layout plans of the capital of the Americas which Banneker
reconstructed form memory.
Lee, Steven X. Interview. February 01, 2004
An interview with the director at the Benjamin Banneker Historical Park & Museum. I learned of the
accomplishments of Benjamin Banneker and also why he was an important figure in History.
Lett, Robert. Contact. February 02, 2004
Mr. Lett informed me of the Lett family reunion and referred me to Ms. Marable for an interview.
Although I did not get an interview from Mr. Lett this telephone conversation was important to my research.
Marable, Gwen. Interview. February 07, 2004
An interview with a descendant of Benjamin Banneker. Ms. Marable told me of Benjamin Banneker
and why he is a role model of youth and senior citizens today.
Miller, Kelly. Benjamin Banneker. Accessed September 29, 2003
(Fig 1) I obtained a picture of the almanac Banneker constructed from this web site. You can see it on
my home page.
Smock, W. Raymond. Benjamin Banneker. Accessed September 18, 2003
At this particular site I obtained a picture of the document that Banneker wrote to Benjamin Franklin
encouraging him to help with giving slaves freedom and more rights.
Secondary Sources
Bedini, A. Silvio. The Life of Benjamin Banneker. U.S. Charles Scribners Sons 1972.
This book is extremely extensive and contains a detailed biography of Banneker.
Benjamin Banneker. Posted September 2002, Lelson-Mit Program. Accessed September 18, 2003
Here I obtained insight on why and how Banneker was known during the colonial times. It also gave me
some dates for my timeline.
Benjamin Banneker (1731-1806) Accessed September 18, 2003
This is a picture (the one from Banneker History page) of the wooden clock he made.
Benjamin Banneker. Accessed September 20, 2003
Here was a nice bibliography that led me to very valuable sources, other than that it had a brief
Benjamin Banneker. Accessed September 18, 2003
Listed at this site was the actual date that Banneker constructed the wooden clock that amazed
many early Americans.
Benjamin Banneker. The Benjamin Banneker Associated Inc. Accessed September 28, 2003
This site was like many others but also had a good bibliography that led me to resources along with
a few facts about his life.
Benjamin Banneker. Posted November 9, 2003. Family Edu. Network, Inc. Accessed October 30, 2003
This site only contained a short biography on Banneker's life.
Banneker Center. Who Was Ben Banneker. Banneker Center. Accessed September 14, 2003
At this web page I learned of the Almanac that Banneker sent to Thomas Jefferson, proving that African
Americans had the same capabilities in mind as those of the early "white" Americans.
Fig 2 Benjamin Banneker's Almanac. PBS. Accessed December 30, 2003.
I obtained a picture of Banneker's actual almanac from this page. It is not the picture seen on the left.
Fig 3-4 Benjamin Banneker. Publisher unknown. Accessed January 1, 2004
Here was two pictures and a fairly in-depth biography on Banneker. The picture is of the plans for the
federal city. Along with a picture of a letter written by Banneker.
Fig 5 Interactive Gallery. CNN. Accessed January 11, 2004.
I found something quite interesting here. This page was only a gallery but not a typical one. It had you
press a button to flip through images. I found the Picture of a stamp with Banneker on it here.
Fig 6 No title. No Publisher. Accessed January 15, 2004
I obtained a picture of the almanac Banneker made, see left.
Fig 7 No title. No publisher. Accessed January 20, 2004
This site contained a picture of a painting of Banneker. It was of him at his desk doing some type
of work.
Fig 8 The Living Room Biographies. Matt & Anrej Koymasky. June 6, 2001. Accessed January 20, 2004
This site gave me some facts about Banneker's life. It was a short biography and had a picture of use.
Fig 9 Banneker Historical Park and Museum. Banneker Historical Park and Museum. Accessed March 20, 2004
Here is a picture of Ms. Marable, a discendant of Benjamin Banneker.
Fig 10 Potts, Jody. Adventure Tales of Benjamin Banneker. Dallas, Texas: Signal Media Publishers, 2000
This book provided me with a picture of Steven X. Lee the Director at the Benjamin Banneker Museum.
Habor, Lewis. Black Pioneers of Science & Invention. San Diego: Hardover Brace Jovanovich Publishers, 1970
The Life of Benjamin Banneker gave me a brief account of Banneker's life along with a short biography.